It has been a while since I have had any quality time with my Dad, and an even longer time since he and I decided to swing up to Big Bear together. We used to ski and snowboard together once or twice a week. That ended when I got my license and went 4 days week by myself.
I forgot about Big Bear... I don't mean that as in I forgot it's existence, I mean that as in I forgot why I choose to get the hell out of there! Yes Big Bear is great fun, when you are with a BIG crew of friends. There is a crap ton of features, and crazy ones at that, but they are all sketchy as shit! Also everyone in BroCal SoCal has the worst attitude towards everyone and everything! It is snowboarding "Brah" have some fucking fun, relax and go listen to fitty cent!
My second run I almost got in a fight and slipped out on the texas rail, almost breaking my wrist.. GOOD TIMES!
Also I rode in my usual crap for up north... Jeans, hoodie and a flannel which had my dream catcher hanging off... so I looked like a tight pants wearing gypsy. Needless to say... lots of Gangstas were a little upset! I forgot about the battle between tight pants kids and Baggy pants kids down there! Up in Tahoe we all get a long!
I got to see GABY YAY GABY! She hooked me up with SUPER CHEAP FOOD! YAY FOOD!
Finally we decided to go home, after my dad took a bad fall in the slushy slush in the half pipe (he doesn't ride pipe, he was watching me...)
As we were sitting in traffic, I decided to play him "Why would anyone want to live here?" by Death Cab... I thought it was epic sitting in traffic and listening to lyrics such as "the traffic is always creeping"
In all and all it was a GREAT day! My dad and I had a few interesting and also confusing conversations... hes an engineer so he says a lot of shit I don't understand unless he dulls it down to an idiots language!
6 AM drive at sunrise
More snow then usual! It has been a good year!
Baldwin Lake completely filled and frozen! That never happens!
The first view of the set up!
The view of Cajon/Mt.High/and My Pop's head!
Gaper Hunt Bear Edition : Wiglets
Gaper Hunt Bear Edition : Wanna Be Rasta
Gaper Hunt Bear Edition : One piece!
View of Big Bear Lake
Last run view! Fairwell Big Bear.
Cajon Pass with a good amount of snow!
And why not... a shot of traffic! Gotta Love LA
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